Beautiful pics of Alina Aguiar and Alisa Tarasenko feet and legs

Alisa Tarasenko is famous for Strana Sasha (2022), Annushka (2009) and Leyt Nayt Skul (2022). Lina Maria Aguiar a Brazilian Businesswoman is worth a Net Worth of $1.5Billion. Lina Marie Aguiar (as as a baby) was thrown in front of Bradesco Bank's Branch around 1938. Amador Amador's daughter raised Lina and then adopted the girl. Only two years after Aguiar, the bank's founder, Mr. Aguiar found and adopted Lina's biological mother, Emilia, renaming her Lia Maria Aguiar. Thanks to the large inheritance left by their father to the sisters, they are now listed as billionaires. Whereas the third girl that Amador took in, Maria Angela, didn't reach the millionaire club as she received a small portion of Bradesco Bank. Amador himself founded Bradesco Foundation to benefit Brazil's education in the year 1956. The majority of his money was donated to the foundation. His second wife and adopted daughters battled against the remainder of his fortune in the months leading up to his death. Lina Amador and Lia Amador both made millionaires once Amador's girls won their case in court.

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